Category: Lifestyle
10 Signs You Have A Crush On Someone
YouTube/ Never Ending Love x21 To have someone you like,a crush,for whom you yearn, is a beautiful thing till it stays within the bounds of rationality.But then again, you cannot expect a rational thought process or doing from a person who is in love with the idea of being in love with their crushes/ideal soul…
5 Things You Shouldn’t Do After A Breakup
Photo Credit: Robert Vitulano Breakups can be an ugly affair. They are never taken well because they mark the end of a beautiful beginning. Until and unless the other person tortured you for you to wish for things to end,you always find ways to stick together. It seems like the end of the world when…
5 Ways To Stop Negative Thinking
Negative thoughts have the power to darken a cloudless day, bring down an uplifting event, and dampen a simple pleasure.When such negativity frequents a person’s mind, he/she finds it hard to be happy for long. Won a lottery? They’d be happy, but the happiness would be fleeting and then moments later you’d find them worrying…
5 New Habits You Should Adapt To Make The Most Of Your Time
“A habit, makes YOU.” I bet each one of us in our childhood has gone through long lectures from our folks on-“how to go about life or do things” or “how not to do them “. We, as kids, had an inbuilt wishful mechanism to ignore these, only to realize as adults, that our habits…
Seven Things Every Girl Want From Their Boyfriend
Every girl dreams of a guy who will just walk into her life and sweep her off her feet. But often, the Mr. Perfect turns out to be Mr. Not-So-Perfect when he fails in fulfilling her expectations and drives her crazy with his annoying traits. Here’s some things that your girl expects that you SHOULD…
7 Make up Mistakes You Should Avoid
Every girl is beautiful, inside and out. But, a little enhancement should never be turned down. A little make up can totally change you, provided it is done in the right way. Here are 5 make up mistakes you should totally avoid: 1. Don’t start without a base Starting makeup on bare skin makes you…
10 Amazing Photos that Will Motivate You in Life
Joshua Sundquist lost his leg due to cancer when he was 9 year old. When he entered college, he was over sized like other American students, plus he had a limitation, but he worked hard to build muscles and become strong. Read Joshua’s success story. Found this photo all over the internet , sadly…
Five Looks That Never Go Wrong
Every so often you go blank on what to put on. No matter how many dresses you try, the whole ensemble doesn’t seem to appeal to you. You are simply unable to choose. Here are 5 foolproof looks that will never go wrong: 1. Date Look Choose a flowy, layered dress in a light material.…
5 Fashion Mistakes Every Girl Should Avoid
Every time you get ready, you spend a lot of time deciding what to wear, how to accessorize, the kind of makeup you should do, how to wear your hair and every other little detail. One final glance and you step out hoping that you get a load full of compliments. But often in want…
10 Things To Do In First Year of College
From high school to college, from being a kid to being a responsible adult, from being dependent to being partially or wholly independent, from a constraint little world to a world with no boundaries, a world full of new and bigger opportunities to help establish who and what we are and what we shall become,…
5 Reasons As To Why You Should Consider Making Your Passion Your Career
Photo Credit: Kalyan Chakravarthy Heard about-“If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life?” Its nothing but the truth until practicality shows up and has its way with your life. Want to be an artist, a musician or perhaps a photographer? I bet MANY of us have been counseled by our…
7 Steps To Getting Things Done in Time
“Love the work that you do or don’t do it at all.” Some people tend to take it pretty seriously. This doesn’t work in real life guys! You are made to do stuff that is required by the hour and you have puny or no say in things at all. Putting off inevitable tasks to…