Tag: Lessons

  • 7 Things You Should Do Before You Graduate

    7 Things You Should Do Before You Graduate

    There comes a phase in our life when we search for the thing that we really want in our life but have absolutely no idea what it is, well for an under-graduate college going fella things are pretty much restricted in the circle of friends, studies and searching future career prospects. But always remember, time…

  • 8 Reasons Why People Should Watch Anime

    8 Reasons Why People Should Watch Anime

    Now you may call us nerds, otaku, loners, creepy or whatever you wish to call, but the truth remains unchanged. We are the people who have given a whole new exciting dimension to our lives and broadened our mindset. Yes, anime does that to you. The ignorant lot is just jealous! It takes real patience…

  • 5 Common Mistakes Every Student Does In College

    5 Common Mistakes Every Student Does In College

    COLLEGE… A place which holds a very sacred space in a person’s heart. Perhaps “COLLEGE DAYS” are considered to be the GOLDEN PERIOD in a student’s life. A phase where an individual gets shaped and is nurtured to face the outside world. Some people don’t like their college, but everyone MISS their college, a fact…

  • 5 Things you can learn from Pride and Prejudice

    5 Things you can learn from Pride and Prejudice

    Novel or movie, every one of you must be knowing the fantastic love story of Miss Elizabeth Bennet and her handsome and rich lover Mr. Darcy.  This tale by Jane Austen presents before our eyes how one can find in love in a person one never expects. The book can never be judged by its…

  • 9 Things That Will Help You Stay Motivated in Life

    9 Things That Will Help You Stay Motivated in Life

    We, being humans, are driven by emotions, we cry, laugh or get angry easily. It’s important to keep doing positive things to feel positive toward our life. Here are few things you can do to make yourself motivated towards your life. 1. Go out with Friends more often Friends are the family we get to…

  • 5 Things We Can Learn from Children About Life

    5 Things We Can Learn from Children About Life

    Life is a complete package of happiness, sorrow, surprises and shocks. It’s a beautiful gift given by the God to everyone on this planet. And there is a saying that the best things in life are free. Air, Water or even a bright sunny day in a cold Winter, all is there to be appreciated.…

  • 5 Ways To Stop Negative Thinking

    5 Ways To Stop Negative Thinking

    Negative thoughts have the power to darken a cloudless day, bring down an uplifting event, and dampen a simple pleasure.When such negativity frequents a person’s mind, he/she finds it hard to be happy for long. Won a lottery? They’d be happy, but the happiness would be fleeting and then moments later you’d find them worrying…

  • 5 New Habits You Should Adapt To Make The Most Of Your Time

    5 New Habits You Should Adapt To Make The Most Of Your Time

    “A habit, makes YOU.” I bet each one of us in our childhood has gone through long lectures from our folks on-“how to go about life or do things” or “how not to do them “. We, as kids, had an inbuilt wishful mechanism to ignore these, only to realize as adults, that our habits…