Tag: Motivational
How to Become an Early Riser
I’m glad you are interested in becoming an early riser. In case you don’t know about the benefits of becoming early rises, you can read our previous article on the benefits of becoming an early riser. Perhaps you’ve got bored of your bad habit of oversleeping or you genuinely have problems getting up in the…
5 Things You Should Be Doing More Often in 2017
So another year has come to an end, we all are pumped up to kick start the new year with new year resolutions. Our motivation level is on the highest every time a new year starts, but slowly, we get back to our routine stuff and forget about our resolutions calling them stupid. But here…
5 Ways to Have an Optimistic View of Life
Depressed? Angry? Sad? Sobbing?, I think most of you will answer yes to at least one of these. Stop! and think of the reason that’s making you feeling miserable or better say not happy. Think! You are not the only one dealing with a problem, some might be in greater problem than you are in.…
5 Ways To Cheer Yourself Up When Life Lets You Down
Guys life is a bitch … just when you think ” thank god things are getting better “. Life says “Bitch Please” and we are speechless at that moment. So instead of bearing life’s shitty tantrums we can party like it’s our last day. Here are 5 ways to cheer yourself up when life lets…
7 Things to Learn from the Highly Successful People
Scampering after success? Well, rest assured coz that is pretty much the case with everybody. And kudos if you’ve finally caught the rat. Ever wondered what it is that makes the highly successful far cry from us? Let’s cut to the chase and take a glance over some habits that make the highly successful stand…
7 Reasons Why Being An Introvert Rules
Flickr/ Việt Đức Yes, expressive people do attract more attention and tend to stand out more but that isn’t enough of a reason for you to be disheartened. People like Abraham Lincoln and Michael Jackson were considered to be great introverts, so don’t be too hard on yourself! Be comfortable and accept all of you,…
Nine Books You Must Read Before You Die
Books are our best friends, right? So, here are nine of different genres that should definitely be given a chance to be your best friend. 1. CAUSE FOR ALARM by Erica Spindler (Thriller) The story of a couple who cannot have kids and finally resort to closed adoption. Things take an ugly turn when the…
10 Amazing Photos that Will Motivate You in Life
Joshua Sundquist lost his leg due to cancer when he was 9 year old. When he entered college, he was over sized like other American students, plus he had a limitation, but he worked hard to build muscles and become strong. Read Joshua’s success story. Found this photo all over the internet , sadly…