7 Things to Learn from the Highly Successful People

Elon Musk

Scampering after success? Well, rest assured coz that is pretty much the case with everybody. And kudos if you’ve finally caught the rat.
Ever wondered what it is that makes the highly successful far cry from us? Let’s cut to the chase and take a glance over some habits that make the highly successful stand out in the crowd.

1. Hard Working

Is it not the key to success? Apparently, it is. Dhirubhai Ambani, the founder of the Reliance industries started his career by selling bhajias. Can’t be sheer good luck.

2. Superstitious

Be it the ‘K’ factor in the serials and movie titles or changing the spelling of their names, or paying a visit to a holy shrine, they’ve done it all and no wonder their movies are a hit at the box office. Guess they’ve a deal with God. God makes it work and they simply steal His thunder. Well, maybe.

3. Out of the box thinking

As they say, successful people don’t do different things, they just do normal things differently. How about taking an example of one of the co-founders of the major social networking website, Mark Zuckerburg? An idea can surely change your life.

4. Take things in their stride

“Why do we fall? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up” and that made Bruce Wayne, the Batman. Enough said? O yeah!

5. Optimistic

The night is darkest just before the dawn and those with the optimistic outlook make it through the night, to the dawn. Amir khan, Sachin Tendulkar, Bill Gates, were school/college dropouts. Make it a habit- No, not that you should drop out from your college, but Never Lose Hope.

6. Self-esteem

I am! I can! I will! The mantra of the successful. If you don’t believe in yourself, nobody else will. Some reached for the glass, some for the rope but only a few reached for the stars!

7. Habit by example

The successful, therefore, the popular, are in a habit of doing things that set an example for the others to follow.

‘I like to move it move it. Do you like to move it too? Ah, just smile and wave guys!’





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