Category: Design
Learn How to Create Best Custom YouTube Thumbnails
If you are a youtuber and you suck at creating custom YouTube thumbnails, you might find this article useful since we are going to talk about how you can create the best possible custom YouTube thumbnails for your YouTube videos. Before we get started learning about the process of creating custom YouTube thumbnails, let’s discuss…
5 Sources to Get Free Images for Your Websites
it is a proven fact that visual content gets more attention that text. Adding thoughtful images to articles can increase it exposure. The question is, where to find high quality images for your website for Free. PhotoPin PhotoPin lets you search relevant images for you to use them on your websites for Free. It fetches…
An Artist Played with her Food for 31 Days Showing Her Amazing Creativity
What do you do when you feel creative? You pick things up from your normal day routines and use them in favour of your art. But not everyone is blessed with putting it as perfectly as this Malaysian Artist Hong Yi, who played with her food for 30 days but putting them in a plate.…
10 Best Home Office Ideas
Whether you are working from Home or have the best place on earth as your office, you can make a Home office to be more productive when you are at home. I have been looking for Home office ideas lately and invested so many hours in collecting them. Now the next step is budgeting and…
5 DIY Nail Art Trends You Will Love
Got beautiful long nails? Add spice to it with these DIY Nail Arts that will stand out. NEWSPAPER LOOK Image Source Apply white nail polish. Let it dry. Coat it with water and press a small newspaper piece on your nail for about 30 seconds. It will be imprinted on your nail. You can also…