Tag: Students

  • 10 Inspiration Bollywood Movies You Must Watch To Set Goals in Life

    10 Inspiration Bollywood Movies You Must Watch To Set Goals in Life

    Hindi Film Industry produces the most number of Films in the World. We all know that when Quantity Buffers, Quality Suffers (PS: ‘Buffers’ just rhymes, no particular reason to use it :p). But the Industry, which is also called Bollywood, also has some Career counseling to offer. Here is a list of some movies you…

  • 7 Things You Should Do Before You Graduate

    7 Things You Should Do Before You Graduate

    There comes a phase in our life when we search for the thing that we really want in our life but have absolutely no idea what it is, well for an under-graduate college going fella things are pretty much restricted in the circle of friends, studies and searching future career prospects. But always remember, time…

  • 5 Common Mistakes Every Student Does In College

    5 Common Mistakes Every Student Does In College

    COLLEGE… A place which holds a very sacred space in a person’s heart. Perhaps “COLLEGE DAYS” are considered to be the GOLDEN PERIOD in a student’s life. A phase where an individual gets shaped and is nurtured to face the outside world. Some people don’t like their college, but everyone MISS their college, a fact…

  • 5 Steps on How to Choose the Perfect Career for Yourself

    5 Steps on How to Choose the Perfect Career for Yourself

    Photo Credit: 1992lifestyle. It’s hard to decide how you want to spend the rest of your life in just one moment and the rush, parental expectations and competition adds cherry to your cake of confusion! The career deciding time is the toughest in every student’s life, at least million times rugged from those times when…

  • 10 Things To Do In First Year of College

    10 Things To Do In First Year of College

    From high school to college, from being a kid to being a responsible adult, from being dependent to being partially or wholly independent, from a constraint little world to a world with no boundaries, a world full of new and bigger opportunities to help establish who and what we are and what we shall become,…