Tag: Habits
How to Become an Early Riser
I’m glad you are interested in becoming an early riser. In case you don’t know about the benefits of becoming early rises, you can read our previous article on the benefits of becoming an early riser. Perhaps you’ve got bored of your bad habit of oversleeping or you genuinely have problems getting up in the…
10 Ways to Live A Healthy Life When You Hardly Can
It is rightly said – ” Health is Wealth” but in today’s world a half eaten toast makes breakfast, lunch is altogether ignored, KFC becomes our stomach’s best companion when it cannot stand the loneliness anymore and dinner’s again taken lightly. Can our body preserve itself and remain immune after we make it devoid of…
5 New Habits You Should Adapt To Make The Most Of Your Time
“A habit, makes YOU.” I bet each one of us in our childhood has gone through long lectures from our folks on-“how to go about life or do things” or “how not to do them “. We, as kids, had an inbuilt wishful mechanism to ignore these, only to realize as adults, that our habits…