If you have lived in the 90s, you will know the popularity of FRIENDS, the English comedy show about friends. Each one of us can relate to the FRIENDS series in some way or the other. Some may even argue that is the best show ever made on Friendship. Probably better than How I Met Your Mother.
But do you know these facts about your favourite TV show ever? Read on.
1. Hey! it’s a Porsche!
When the six people were finally cast to play the main characters, Matt LeBlanc did not have much money to his name. When the cast received their first paychecks, LeBlanc bought himself a hot, nice dinner (so Joey) while Courteney Cox got herself a car. Pretty sure it wasn’t a Porsche.
2. I too, am a neat guy
We all remember Bruce Willis making an appearance in the show as Paul Stevens, Paul ”love machine” Stevens. This came to pass due to a bet he had placed with Matthew Perry on the set of The Whole Nine Yards. Perry won and Willis complied by making a three-episode appearance on the show. Nothing but a love machine.
3. You Got the Joey Special? Two Pizzas?
Originally, when the cast wasn’t finalized, the main love interest was supposed to be Monica and Joey. That would have definitely agreed with Joey’s stomach. I want girls on bread!
4. My Best Man is my Best Friend Gunther!
Gunther, who had hair brighter than the sun, only got a name in the middle of the second season. James Michael Tyler got the role because he was the only extra present on the set who knew how to fully work the coffee machine.
5. Life is My Lesbian Wedding
The initial idea of the show was to focus on just four friends, Ross, Rachel, Joey and Monica. Both Phoebe and Chandler were supposed to be recurring characters in a supporting role, with Chandler being gay. Did I say that out loud?
6. Je m’appelle Claude.
Unlike on the show, Matt LeBlanc is a fluent speaker of the French language and his father is of French ancestry. Je te flouppe fli!
7. I Like Maintaining You.
As was written earlier, it seems Matthew Perry had a penchant for betting. He placed a bet with Courteney Cox this time, over the roots of a quote she had heard somewhere. It turned out that Cox was correct and Perry had to become her man-slave for around 5 months. That’s a joincidence with a C!
8. These Indeed are the Days of Our Lives
Matt Leblanc’s character, Joey Tribbiani, plays a doctor in a made-up version of the popular soap Days of our lives. In reality, Jennifer Aniston’s father has a role in the real Days of our lives. This is all just a moo point.
9. My Sister is Gonna Have My Baby!
When Phoebe was pregnant with the triplets on the show, Lisa Kudrow was, in fact pregnant in real life. This is how the writers came up with the whole Phoebe having her brothers’ kids storyline. This is my husband, Crap Bag.
10. Sup with the Whack Play Station, Sup?
Originally, there were discussions of having Joey and Phoebe end up together. The writers thought better of it and decided to leave behind a little mystery in case of Joey, letting the audience decide whether he ended up alone or got someone. Well, what he did get was a show of his own, simply titled Joey. That’s whack.
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