Get Answers to All Your Games of Thrones Questions from Interactive Map

The 6th season of Games of Thrones is finally over, and we are already looking forward to the next season. But the wait is too long.

Just one week ago, I didn’t know anything about the Games of Thrones, couldn’t understand the MEMES being shared in my Facebook Newsfeed,  but after having watched all the Seasons, I am finally understanding them. But I still have so many questions in my mind.

Like, when the Targaryens (Mad King) was removed from the Iron Throne, how did Robert Baratheon become the King and why the Lannister’s supported him. Or how far Daenerys Targaryen is from the Westeros.

InteractiveMapofGamesofThronesYou can either use your time to re-watch every episode of GoT to get these answers until the season 7 is ready to be aired, or you can head over to this website to know everything about your favourite characters, which routes they have taken during their journey through all the six seasons.

This Westeros Wiki will help you find answers to all your questions and this website is the best place to start with. An Interactive Map created by Quartermaester will save you over 60 hours of your time. (approximately the total air time of all the 60 Episodes so far)

On the website, you can also hide the things you do not want to know with Spoilers Control with the help of a slider.

GameofThronesMapFor example, Arya Stark started her journey from Winterfell and reached King’s Landing and when her father, Ned Stark was executed, she escaped from Kings Landing to reach her half-brother Jon Snow in the Castle Black but ends up in the city of Braasvos.

You can use the slider to select the Episode you have watched so far and the Map will only show you paths taken by the characters till that episode.

The website also has direct Wiki Links for all the main Characters if you want to read about their mentions in each episode, quotes and family tree

Check out Quartermaester





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